Wednesday, 26 August 2015

The Craft of Spiritual Gardening

By Leo Sekoere

A while ago I saw a tree at my Mother's preschool. It was the most peculiar tree I have ever seen. Some branches that were grouped together were withered. Right next to those, were branches covered in tiny red flowers even though it wasn't spring yet. A few leaves from that bunch was branches with a healthy-looking shade of green but they were still not impressive because they had no blossoms.

By the way ,I am still perplexed by this tree...

As I looked at it The Holy Spirit said to me " This represents the current state of the body of Christ". Even though we have the same roots and the same source of nutrients , some branches are not benefiting from these.  Don't you just love how poetic The Holy Spirit is?

In the church, there are people that are thriving in spiritual health ( blossoming branches) , people who are just getting by (looking green but not bearing any fruit) and people who are in need of some revival (withered and brittle). This is not the intention of Christ. In fact, Ephesians 5:27 tells us that our Lord is coming for a "radiant Church without blemish", this can only be achieved through the transforming power of God.

 Brittle tree branches break off when they are subjected to harsh conditions, they even break under their own weight. Productive trees are a result of sufficient watering and regular maintenance.

"So, Leo what are you on about? Should we go submerge ourselves in muddy water?" No, friends! I know a much better way.

Sufficient Watering

*Jeremiah Chapter 17:7-8 says "But blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in him.He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit." -NIV

Regular Maintenance

*John 15:1 Jesus says "I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener" - NIV.  Friends what better care can we ask for, than to be maintained by the all-knowing hands of The Father?

In both these verses, we can deduce that Jesus is the Only way! Furthermore in John 15: 5-6, Jesus tells us that if we remain in him and keep him in us we will bear much fruit..." apart from me you can do nothing" He says. He also tells us that branches that are not connected to Him are only good for making fire! 

 As individuals, we cannot be content in our spiritual state if there are branches in the Body of Christ that blemish the whole Tree. Christ has given us tools that edify His body. Let us use them and master the craft of Spiritual Gardening. 

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