By Leo Sekoere
My life turned upside down when God showed me my future. When I complained to Him about it, He told me to read the story of Joseph.
I couldn't believe it at first but this story is strikingly similar to my life story. I have reason to believe that I'm not the only dreamer who can relate to it.
Joseph was different, that coupled with the details surrounding his birth supported the favour that was upon him. His dad loved him more than all his brothers (Genesis 37:2). His brothers hated him because he wasn't a conformer, instead of getting into trouble with them he was the one reporting bad behavior (Genesis 37:2). Child of God favour will make people hate you and your dream will make them hate you even more.
Its so common for Children of God not to know what they are worth, its always people around us who can see the treasures that lie within us. In verse 8- 10 of Genesis chapter 37 we read that Joseph told his brothers his dream (for crying out loud it was just a dream- why did they react to it?) but they are the ones who interpreted it. They looked at Joseph and they actually saw it possible that this could come true. I think that's what made them hate him. They saw the qualities of a ruler in him. If I were to dream that I was an Olympic gold medalist the dream wouldn't upset anyone who is jealous of me because they know im not athletic.
I hope you get what im trying to say. If you don't know your worth, people who hate you will discover it and use that for their gain ( verse 26)
Big dreams will land you in your training ground. Ever heard of the saying " God gives his biggest battles to his toughest soldiers"? I like what that all means. When God gives you a task, he will fortify you so you can fit right in to your destiny.
Joseph had to first go learn more about loyalty in Potiphar's house, that was his biggest test. We need to always ask God to reveal to us the reasons why we go through stuff. Think about it, if you were Joseph you were going to spend your whole life depressed and confessing that God doesn't love you, right? You were going to lament the fact that he allowed your wicked brothers to sell you, right?
To make matters worse, after that he was lead into the dungeon.
Sometimes God separates his "Visionaries" from the world.
He will allow you to be in a dark place but Isaiah 50:10 says
"Who among you fears the Lord? Who obeys the voice of His Servant? Who walks in darkness and has no light? Let him trust in the name of the Lord and rely upon his God."
It is in the dungeon where we need to trust the Lord. We need to allow God to be our Light in times of darkness and stagnancy. When Josephs brothers were out there experiencing the freedoms of life, he was experiencing the opposite. He was being told when to eat, he was under the control of his jailors they decided his every move for him.
Isaiah 50:11 says the one who makes his own fire when the Lord has decided darkness for him will lie in torment.
Sometimes God leads us into dungeons in order for us to develop our Gift. In order for us to learn His Voice and in order for us to learn to trust him.
In Genesis 40-41 Joseph thought that him helping the cupbearer and the baker will get him a one-way-ticket out of the dungeon but it was not yet time. Sometimes God sends us people who will make us hope in them. We might even start thinking that these people are there to propel us into the arms of destiny. Most of the time its just God giving us a practice run. No matter what happens in your dungeon just know that your redeemer lives and he will lift you up in the right time.
Like Joseph, rise to the occasion. Did you notice how he always assumed the leadership role in every situation he landed in? Even in prison he was a leader. So stop complaining and try to be a blessing in anything you're involved in. Your time is coming!! Be patient and wait on the Lord to renew your strength...
In Jeremiah 29:7 The Lord instructs his chosen to be a blessing in the city to which they are carried into exile and in turn they will be blessed. That's what you need to do as you carry the burden of knowing your future.
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