Sunday, 27 August 2017

Foretaste (part 2): Desperation phase

By Leo Sekoere
Life after the “foretaste” is meant to be a time of desperation and deep hunger to get to the place where God is taking you You’re not supposed to allow anything to keep you away from that divinely appointed destination called “The fullness of time”. I advise that you go back to part 1 in order to understand this.

Last week I found myself thinking about that documentary I saw of the starving African boy who was so hungry that he stooped down to eat soil in order to avert the symptoms of hunger. I found myself trying to understand what was going through his mind and while I was thinking, I got a revelation from The Holy Spirit. See, that little guy knew what it felt like to have food in his stomach. This was a personal feeling that no one outside his body could fully understand until they went through it themselves. He had a foretaste and he was desperate to get to that feeling he once knew.
This kind of desperation never makes sense to others. I was secretly disgusted to see him eating soil, I even cringed and wished he could stop it but he was after the only thing that could get him to experience fullness- he was desperate.

One’s character is best prepared for the fullness of time during the “desperation” phase. the devil knows this and he will do everything in his power to stop you from desiring all that God has for you. I want to share with you some of the strategies that the devil uses to get you to abort a God-endorsed mission. A lot of people think that since its God’s promise, the devil won’t try to interfere-wrong! Every time you chase after positive change, you invite attack from the enemy.

There is a man in the bible by the name’ Nehemiah. He had totally moved on from his community and now had an important job, serving as the Persian king’s cupbearer. When he found out about the state of the Jewish community in Jerusalem, that they had no wall and gates protecting their city, he was moved with compassion subsequently availing himself to the Lord as a helping hand. He was after positive change.

The Lord sanctioned the rebuilding project but the devil hated the idea.


  •      Mocking voices of discouragement (Nehemiah 4:1). The devil hates it when you’re encouraged and full of zeal because he knows that great change is followed by those two, he needs you discouraged and feeling inadequate. The devil used Sanballat and Tobiah to this effect. Sometimes these voices can even come from within your mind. Nehemiah countered the attack by prayer, please note that he didn’t fight back, he understood that this was a spiritual attack and it required spiritual weapons.

  •    Confusion (Nehemiah 4:8). Still Nehemiah prayed against this attack and set watch against his enemies.

  •    Loss of strength and a demoralizing perception of the situation at hand (Nehemiah 4:10). I love how Nehemiah responded He positioned armed men around the builders, to fight on their behalf- while they build. This is one of the core functions of intercessors. They watch your back while you are busy and they support you by fighting off your enemies. You need armed men positioned all around you, not just any kind of friends.

  •     Strife (Nehemiah 5). The devil used the Jews against each other because he is a champion of “divide to conquer”. He used a scarcity of resources (famine) in order to fan the flame of contention. The devil also uses this maneuver to get you to ask for help from the wrong sources, to get you to partner with his agents that will seemly have what you lack. Don’t enter into agreement with anyone God hasn’t approved.

  •    Distractions (Nehemiah 6). Here Nehemiah’s adversaries kept on inviting him to “meetings” where they planned to harm him but Nehemiah was well connected to the Holy Spirit who revealed the heart of their motives to him. When you’re in pursuit of the best of God, you will suddenly get invitations from old friends who don’t belong where you’re headed, phone calls, memories and dreams that are just there to deter your focus. Yield not unto temptation, REMEMBER THE PRICE and keep on saying no!

  •    In the same chapter we see more of the enemy’s desperate attempts from lying and instilling fear, to using false prophecy Yet Nehemiah did not budge. Instead, the project was seen to completion. When all the enemies of this project saw this, they were “disheartened in their own eyes”.

learn from Nehemiah today, as you chase after the fullness of God’s promise. Remember that constant communication with God will give you advantage over your enemy. You don’t have to explain your desperation to anyone (they won’t understand anyway) just keep chasing after what you know God has prepared for you.   

My Testimony

I heard an awesome author and man of God say "The only reason my name is on the books I write is that I'm the first person to read them". When you allow the Holy Spirit to have control over what you write, it is a separation of powers that is deeply felt. I've been going over what I've been writing and the Lord has revealed that I was also part of the targeted audience.

God is amazing and I'm blessed to be a witness in this. In a short period of time, I stepped into "The Foretaste". #SpiritTalk is no longer just a blog. It is also airing on a community radio station. Every time I'm on air I hear the Spirit of God saying " this is not the final destination" and when I get a bit overwhelmed I feel Him blowing air under my wings and propelling me upwards. That's how I know that he will sustain me going forward.

Thank you for being part of what God is going. You and I are going places in the Name of Jesus.