By Leo sekoere

Here’s a simple definition of ‘stewardship’: The job of
taking care of something. Taking care of something means being responsible/accountable.
The connotations are preservation, protection and managing it well. A good steward
goes the extra mile and treats what is entrusted upon him as his prized possession.
In Matthew 25:14, Jesus likens the Kingdom of Heaven to a
man travelling into a far country, who calls his servants and delivers goods to
them. To one he gives five talents, to another two and to the other one. To
every man according to his own ability. See, that which you received from God is
just enough for you to handle. God knew that if he trusted you with it you
would be able to be responsible; preserving, protecting and managing it to His
glory. Verse 15 says after he gave his servants this money, he started on his
journey (this shows us how he trusted his servants). After he left, two of his
servants doubled the talents they received but the servant who was given one
talent just hid his in the ground. When the master returned, he was so
impressed with the two who doubled his money that he called them good and
faithful. He told them that because they had been faithful over a few things,
he would make them rulers over many things, subsequently he invited them into
the “joy of their lord”. The servant who hid his talent in the ground was
called wicked and lazy and was sent away into outer darkness after his talent
had been taken away.
In Ester chapter 1, we also see a Queen who failed to
steward her crown. She failed to honor her title as Queen and she was replaced
in a flash. Queen Vashti was said to be the most beautiful, that along with the
fact that she owned the crown must’ve made her feel irreplaceable. But she wasn’t,
no one on this earth is irreplaceable- DON’T EVER GET TOO COMFORTABLE AND
PRESUMPTUOUS. There’s a notion called GRACE under which people get things they don’t
deserve. There could be someone better than you occupying your position but
instead, God opened that door for you, not because there’s something great
about you but because of His Grace. You ought to be grateful in your heart,
through your words and through your actions.
Speaking of GRACE: in the book of 1 Samuel we read about a
young man called Saul and how he started on a desperate journey, looking for
his father’s lost donkeys but instead found GRACE. A prophet of God meets him
along the way and tells him that he is going to be Israel’s first king. I love
his humble and modest response “Am I not a Benjamite, of the smallest of the
tribes of Israel, and my family the least of all the families of the tribe of
Benjamin? Why then do you speak like this to me?” .Here, Saul’s eyes were open
to Grace, he knew that he was being given a position he didn’t deserve.
Like many of us, Saul started off humble but once the
reality of being a king became alive to him, his head grew too big and he
started being autonomous-disregarding the leadership of GOD. 1 Samuel 13:13
says that God sent Samuel to set him right. Samuel told him that he acted
foolishly and had not kept the commandment of the Lord therefore God had
resolved to replace him with “A man after His own heart”. This “Man after God’s
heart” is not someone who was just created seconds before this conversation. He
was there all the time but watch how God still gave Saul a chance to lead
Israel even though he had a far better option. This is Grace! Verse 14 tells us
that the main reason why God took the kingdom away from Saul was because “he
did not keep what the Lord committed to his trust”.
In Apostle Paul’s letters to Timothy, He keeps emphasizing on
how it is important for the young leader to “guard the deposit” and honor the
work of God in his life. Paul must’ve known that when a person stops honoring the
things that God has given them, they lose them. 1 Timothy 6:20- Guard what was
committed to your trust.
Please understand that if you fail to show God faithfulness
over what he has given you, He will not give you more than what you have. You
will not get that job you’re eyeing if you fail at being a blessing at your
current job. You will not get an increase in your finances if all you do is use
money in unwise ways. Be a good steward of your body, health, relationships,
money and job- You will see a promotion in these areas.