Sunday, 4 December 2016

"I am Raising up The King"

By Leo Sekoere A while back I had a dream about serpents invading the house of God. It was the most horrid thing I have ever seen. The worst thing was that the pastor of the church just stood by indifferent to what was happening in the church. It was so scary that I knocked myself back from sleep. I was pulled back into a deep sleep and this time I saw a long black and white snake, jumping into swampy waters and I woke up. I instantly grabbed my phone and googled "Black and white snake" and found out that it is called a KING Snake. It eats other snakes and it is immune to their poison. Thus says the Lord "I am raising up the King". This king is not actually a person but a spirit of authority. Ecclessiastes 8:4. God is going to put His authority in His children and give them power to introduce His Kingdom in the regions and territories He has placed them in. He used the singular noun "The King" because they will be one with Him. It will be God Himself operating through them in the same Spirit. Let’s go to Exodus 4. So, in the beginning of this chapter Moses asks God "What if they don't believe me or listen to me...?" Which is our struggle as God's anointed. We often stress about how we will be received and we often fear rejection so much so that we really want to be sure that it is God with us and not our emotions. As a response to Moses' fears, God instructs him to throw his staff on the ground. Now, a staff represents leadership OR authority. Why is God telling Moses to throw His earthly symbol of Authority down? This symbolized a shift of the realms of authority. From leader of sheep to leader of God’s first born son operating in the realm of the spirit. Look what happens next in verse 4, God tells him to take it by the tail (dangerous move, what if it twists and climbs back to bite your hand Moses?). I am told that it takes experience and a special technique to be able to handle a snake in that manner. Moses had none of those two qualities, in fact Verse 3 tells us that he ran when he saw the snake. In perfect obedience Moses picked up the snake and it became a staff again, a display of total control and God says “This is so that they may believe that the Lord…appeared to you”. God is going to require the seemingly impossible from you, even dangerous acts and you have to be in total obedience (even when it doesn’t make sense to you) so The King can manifest through you. Bear with me, I’m getting to my point (slowly but surely). The conversation between God and Moses goes from lukewarm to heated in a few seconds. Moses starts to doubt the Authority that God has given him and God says in verse 17 “ Take this staff in your Hand so you can perform the signs (that I am the One who sent you) with it. After all this Moses is still in doubt, “do I have enough authority to address the king? I only have authority over sheep, I mean that’s what this staff in my hands is telling me”. When God says “Its show time” stop doubting and embrace the moment because it comes with divine enablement. Exodus 7. God tells Moses that He has made Him as God to Pharaoh and Aaron as his Prophet. Meaning that Moses has been given authority over authority and Aaron is given the privilege of being the mouthpiece, speaking the very mind of The King, manifesting the very mind of the King. Verse 8: Moses and Aaron hear from the Lord, He tells Moses to instruct Aaron to throw his staff on the ground and it will become a snake. This show was supposed to be starring Moses but because he was too afraid Aaron stepped up. So right now Moses is in the background (as a director) and all eyes are on Aaron who throws his staff and it becomes a serpent. Pharaoh is not too impressed, he calls his wise men and the sorcerers and they also did the same with their secret arts. Verse 12 says they each threw their staff onto the ground and they became serpents BUT AARONS STAFF SWALLOWED UP THEIR STAFFS. Thank you for your patience: Here’s my point. We are at a time of confusion there are so many churches springing up using the name of Jesus but being not of Jesus. Prophets and “Christian” movements that have nothing to do with Christ. They have been copying the way we do things. When we throw our staffs to the ground and they become snakes, these false teachers do the same. BUT God says “enough is enough!” He is raising up an unprecedented move of authority “The King” who is going to swallow up the other snakes. The King is going to manifest in the true sons of God and He will carry on demonstrating signs and wonders until the heart of Pharoah becomes soft as flesh. There will be a distinction! But remember that there has to be training, obedience and submission to God. The King doesn’t bow to any other king, stop trying to blend in (dry religion) when God is making you different. Stop trying to follow the crowd when it gets too lonely. You’re not alone. One of the traits of The Jezebel spirit is to make sure that you get too frustrated for your mission. This spirit will convince you that you’re no better than the ones who came before you (1 Kings 19:4 and 2 Kings 9:30) He did it to Elijah and Jehu. jezebel compared Jehu to Zimri insinuating that Jehu was just a commander who got a promotion to be king and , just like Zimri, wouldn't last as king. Yes, there are people who tried before you and failed, YOU ARE NOT THEM. YOU ARE OF A NEW GENERATION. The prophets have seen and exposed the spirit of Jezebel but it is the mandate of The King to kill her! the spirit of religion and the spirit of python will not escape the authority of The King "I have seen your loyalty, I have seen your struggle and how jealous you are for my house. How grieved you become when my temple is defiled. I am raising in you The King"-says The Lord.